by Caroline BĂ©land-Pelletier, Chair of the QTNca Natural Environment Committee Caroline has been a QTNca board member for 3 years and has chaired the Natural Environment Committee for two years From surveys and conversations we know that QTN residents value the green space that we have in our neighborhood. Some report that it was a … Continue reading Green Space: A QTN Priority
Author: QTNca
Getting around QTN
by Lija Bickis, Co-Chair, Safe Streets and Active Transportation Committee. Lija Bickis. secretary and long-time board member of QTNca, has lead on various sidewalk and traffic safety initiatives for QTNca. She also serves on the community advisory group for the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan process, along with Kathy Vandergrift. The neighbourhood is undergoing a significant … Continue reading Getting around QTN
Intensification that works for QTN
by Dan Monafu, a member of the QTNca Planning Committee. What do we mean by a livable community? Or by a neighbourhood that is people-centric? These are concepts that get at the same thing: that neighbourhoods are places where people live, and we should take that into account when we have the (rare) opportunity to … Continue reading Intensification that works for QTN