ICE RINK OPEN: volunteer to keep change room open

The ICE Rink in Frank Ryan Park is Ready for Skaters!

Sign up to help Keep the Change Room OPEN!

Visit the ice rink and enjoy skating.   Thanks go to the ice-making team.

Now we need help from residents to keep the change room open.   You can help to keep your family, friends, and neighbours warm while putting on their skates by signing up to be a rink volunteer. For as little as 2 hours/week at a time, you can ensure you and other skaters are warm and have access to an onsite bathroom. Choose a regular weekly time slot to cover for the skating season or if your schedule is too sporadic, offer to fill in on an ad hoc basis. Click here to sign up and indicate your time preferences and availability.

Who can be a rink volunteer?

Anyone 16 years or older. It’s a great opportunity for anyone looking to meet more neighbours, those new to the neighbourhood, for “work from home” folks who want an excuse to get out, for retirees looking to stay active, and for High School volunteer hours. Really, anyone! We encourage younger volunteers and those doing late night shifts to work in pairs.

What do you do as a volunteer?

  • Typically, commit to at least one recurring two-hour block per week. We know life happens and there may be exceptions. We ask for at least 80-90% attendance to committed time slots. If your schedule isn’t that consistent, you can fill in on an ad hoc basis when openings come up.
  • Open or keep open the fieldhouse building to be available for users to change their skates and use the washroom.
  • Have a cell phone and first aid kit available in the event of an emergency.
  • Skate, read, or relax during your shift while you enjoy knowing your neighbours are more comfortable thanks to your efforts

More detailed instructions will be provided to volunteers regarding building access, what to do in the unlikely event of an emergency, etc. closer to the rink opening date.