QTN Political Representatives

Anita Vandenbeld (Federal)
Member of Parliament
1315 Richmond Rd (Main Office)
Ottawa ON   K2B 7Y4
Tel: 613-990-7720
Fax: 613-993-6501
email: Anita.Vandenbeld@parl.gc.ca
Twitter: @anitavandenbeld

Chandra Pasma (Provincial)
Member of Provincial Parliament 
Unit 500
1580 Merivale Rd
Ottawa, ON   K2G 4B5
Tel: 613-721-8075
email: CPasma-QP@ndp.on.ca
Twitter: @ChandraPasma and @OWN_NDP

Theresa Kavanagh (Municipal)
City Councillor 
110 Laurier Ave W
Ottawa ON  K1P 1J1
Tel: 613-580-2477
Fax: 613-580-2517
email: BayWard@ottawa.ca
Twitter: @tm_kavanagh