Thank you for helping clean up QTN

On behalf of your neighbours and the QTNca board, we want to thank all those that helped clean up our neighbourhood earlier this month. Approximately 32 individuals came out and together we filled 21 bags of litter (18 trash, 3 recycling). We recognize that litter doesn’t fall all on one day and thank all of you who keep QTN clean throughout the year.

We also wanted to send a big thank you to the Ottawa Riverkeeper, this charitable organization came out the week before our cleanup and waded through the Pinecrest creek picking up all the trash they could!

Stormwater is an issue, what’s happening in QTN and what can you do?

With the water levels receding, it’s a good time to learn what you can do around your residence to manage rainwater. QTN is bordered by the Pinecrest creek and there are many activities you can do to help manage stormwater for not just our area but for those downstream as well. Read the links below for more information:

Additional Information to keep QTN clean!