QTN residents value tree-lined streets and want sidewalks to safely move about on foot.
Connaught Avenue is our focus now. The City has budgeted for a sidewalk to be built in 2020-2021.
Pedestrian safety is also an issue on other streets.
QTN residents have an opportunity to provide input into the Connaught project planning process .
Come, learn about options, and give your input before the City makes its decisions.
Join us at the upcoming QTN Winter Carnival, Sunday, February 9th from 2 to 5 pm inside the field house. Meet your neighbours around a table with a map and share your thoughts.
We welcome your ideas to improve QTN for walking, cycling, and street safety. All are welcome to bring photos of places they have seen good solutions.
For those that cannot make it on February 9th, we would value your constructive comments and suggestions. Please email your comments to us!