Future of Queensview Drive

New plans for the areas around Queensview and Pinecrest LRT stations include QTN neighborhood and will have major impacts for residents in this area.   The proposed Pinecrest/Queensview Secondary Plan is finally becoming public.

We encourage residents to learn more at two upcoming events:

December 7, 6:30 pm:  Zoom meeting hosted by Councillor Kavanagh.  Register here: https://www.baywardbulletin.ca/pinecrest-and-queensview-stations-secondary-plan-virtual-open-house/

December 12:  7 to 9 pm.  Open House so you can look closely at maps and plans and ask questions of City planners.  This will be at La Maison de francophonie, in the Community Room, 2720 Richmond Road.  This is sponsored by QTNca.  We want to hear your views as the QTN planning committee continues its analysis and advocacy on this plan.  Watch for further analysis here after the plan becomes public.

Changes in this plan that will affect QTN residents include:

  • Queeensview Drive will change from industrial  to intensive residential and commercial use, including high rise developments on the south side and mid-rise on the north side.
  • A new park on Queensview Dr.
  • Connections for QTN residents and some improvements for bikers and walkers.

This plan will  go to City Council for approval in early 2024.