More Housing and QTN

How can QTN include more people and more housing units without losing what makes this a great neighborhood – or improve it? This is one of the questions that will be discussed at the public meeting on October 12.

The City of Ottawa is developing a new plan for the Pinecrest/Queensview area, including QTN. High and mid-rise apartment buildings will be built on Queensview Drive. Under the new Official Plan, three story buildings will be allowed on larger lots in QTN. Better use of vacant lots is also a point of discussion. To get more family-size units, City planners are considering permission for 4-story buildings in selected areas. Are these good solutions? What are QTN priorities for this plan?

A new plan for the Lincoln Fields area is projected to add between 5,000 and 7,000 residents over 20 years. Join your neighbors to discuss proposed changes on both sides of QTN and meet the three Bay Ward candidates for City Council. October 12. 7 pm. Britannia United Church, 985 Pinecrest Road.